The American Nightmare.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Europoors during peace time: haha, stupid Americans and their garbage nation.

      Europoors when something happens: AMERICA, HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Disastrous_Win_3923 on

      Failing to see the facepalm, yet again confirming this sub needs to steer clear of political

    3. Modern slavery is a blast! At least we got these cool
      Lil computers in our pockets. They distract is enough to not eat the rich

    4. There was a terrible mass shooting event in Australia in 1996 where 35 innocent people including many children were slaughtered. The government introduced a buy back scheme and introduced licensing laws for all firearms. Previously, in some states there was no licensing or restrictions on owning long guns.

      In the last 28 years there has not been any mass shootings and I really hope that one day the USA can do the same. Because it is now 2024 and not the mid 1800s.

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