This sign at a Ford dealership bathroom.

    by corrado-slc


    1. Routinestory8383 on

      That’s like the nicest way to phrase this

      My version starts with “you filfthy dildos”

    2. Wow. Folks at the Ford place really gotta stop adding tnt to their lunches if they’ve been exploding

    3. At a game studio I worked at from 2013-2016 there was a sign in the men’s room over every urinal and stall toilet that said, “this is your restroom, please keep it clean”

      Edit: they didn’t.

    4. IloveBarryBonds on

      Serious question. What the fuck do some people eat or what is wrong with them? When you walk in a public bathroom and there is shit splattered everywhere and all under the lid. Is it completely trashed people or Taco Bell? Even when I’m sick as a dog with explosive diarrhea I maybe get a tiny bit anywhere other than in the water. Maybe a drop or two on the rim of the bowl on my worst days.

    5. Buying a new car can be an exciting experience. The expression ‘gut reaction’ didn’t come out of nowhere.

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