This is the most insane thing I’ve ever read

    by frituurgarnituur


    1. franchisedfeelings on

      ALWAYS blame someone else, something else, and NEVER take responsibility for your incessant, colossal maga/felon fuck-ups.

      My gawd you people are sick!!

    3. he looked up at the giant clock in front of him a lot to see how much longer his ass fucking from Kamala was going to last

    4. Why would that bother an Alpha Male like Trump? He’s clearly in peak physical condition and above such silly tricks.

    5. First: False.

      Second: Even if true, perhaps that’s a sign that you can’t handle being a president again, as they are often in the media and susceptible to camera and other light patterns almost constantly.

    6. LossMountain6639 on

      Trump complained massively about the audio system and the microphones at the National Association of Black Journalists Annual Convention & Career Fair in July, even though the delay was caused by him trying to rig the rules in his favor (he demanded no fact checking). So he definitely would have complained if anything was not to his liking.

    7. Wait, I thought they said he won the debate? Which is it? What a bunch of fucking idiots they are. MAGA, Make America Gullible Again.

    8. This is how we know that THEY know their candidate lost the debate.

      They wouldn’t be making excuses for him if he’d won.

    9. So, did he win or lose the debate in their eyes? They don’t seem to be able to be able to make that determination.

    10. Even if that is true, the president needs to preform under pressure and keep a level head. If lighting makes the difference in the temperament of the president, then that person shouldn’t be considered for office

    11. tourettes_on_tuesday on

      So this candidate can be manipulated with an unperceptibly stronger light source than his opponent. Message received. Ill make sure I dont vote for such a weak and fragile candidate.

    12. As if he wouldn’t say something. Smdh
      Today in California he said they had a huge faucet that could end drought and wildfires. It comes from the Rockies and pours down but the put it in the ocean. Okay dude, whatever you say.

    13. dwellerinthedark on

      Yeah I’m not sure we want a commander in chieid who gets distracted by a Lazer pen

      Also if it was so distracting how come no one else in the room was influenced and it wasn’t picked up in the wide shots?

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