The lights affected his heart rate. Torture tactic from ABC 🤦🏼‍♂️

    by WeaponHex1638


    1. This is just getting pathetic. And these are the people who have called Millennials “snowflakes” for over 20 years now LOL

    2. Assuming this is true (muchly doubtful), then maybe the guy that is easily distracted by a stage light shouldn’t be the guy that has to direct the military and meet with world leaders to protect American interests. Hmmmmm

    3. The most sure-fire way to know someone is talking out of their ass on Twitter is if you see these 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

    4. These people have absolutely no connection to reality, no morals, no shame, and no brains. Republicans are the dirt that gets on dirt. When a republican steps in shit, the shit runs off to take a shower. Republicans are disgusting.

      Republicans **HATE** America.

      Republicans want to **DESTROY** America.

      Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it.

      It very likely does.

    5. So. They admit trump lost the debate. But it’s because it wasn’t done in the dark.



      Hey GOP! Losing a debate is time to change your candidate. It’s been known to work.

    6. DeathMagneto-soy on

      I’ve lived a long time and never seen the rightwingers never cope this hard.

      What’s going on?

    7. I don’t understand. I thought he won the debate 93 to 6. Why would they need to make excuses for his performance????

    8. What? He looked directly at the sun during a solar eclipse! He’s obviously immune to those kind of tactics. 😳

    9. thesqrtofminusone on

      “Making him look left to right repeatedly and artificially increase his heart rate.”

      No, that’ll be the stimulants.

    10. Let’s pretend it’s true. If he’s president, adversaries will do it, too. Do we want so fragile of a man at the helm?

    11. Not lights in a TV studio! I hear they also put a microphone in front of him to amplify his voice so people could hear the batshit crazy stuff he was saying. Totally unfair.

    12. “Lying Karmella had her arm up my ass and she was controlling me like puppet… that’s why I looked so bad. It was carmela controlling me. So crooked. So criminal. They should lock her up. That light guy too. People are saying she drugged me when she forced herself on me to “shake my hand”. It was the most rigged debate ever! Kuhmerluh and jim waltz need to be locked up and I’M THE ONLY ONE STANDING BETWEEN YOU AND THEM!!! I’ll protect you. BUilD THe wALL around Ckermlala and Gym WaLL!!!’

    13. ![gif](giphy|yFQ0ywscgobJK|downsized)

      My eyes my eyes. Ugh dumbest thing ever. Cute cat just to make it funny and ironic lol

    14. If he’s so infirm that the lights are that much of an issue for his heart, then he *definitely* shouldn’t be president. Probably shouldn’t be walking around either.

    15. Complex-Maybe6332 on

      So he said that he won the debate and yet his supporters keep coming up with different excuses why he lost? Make it make sense.

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