Imagine if someone told you 10 years ago that Drudge would be accusing the GOP nominee for POTUS of having an affair

    by Stock412


    1. Not sure who this woman’s plastic surgeon is, but I would bet he has previously worked with balloon animals

    2. They are so having an affair. Excuse me…….. 🤮…..that’s bett…..🤮…oh my….🤮 Gawd…..🤮

    3. Marge is so mad she’s been out-crazied by Loomer and lost her position in Trump’s shithouse circus.

    4. The fact that Fat Donnie has been able to avoid constant media cries about Melanie is all the evidence you need of how in the tank they are for his right-wing buffoonery. He’s a serial adulterer who committed felonies to cheat on his current wife, and now he’s rubbing up against a much younger woman with nary a raised eyebrow.

    5. ElderberryNo1601 on

      I heard she has a nice side hustle renting out her face as a bouncy castle for junior kkk members. Doing lords work.

    6. Autocorrectthis on

      Where i came from its common to include both of the parties together as a catchphrase loveteam.
      Do-Omer is all i can come up with.

    7. Pepperoni_Dogfart on

      I am not going to jump to the conclusion that they’re seeing each other, but it sure as hell looks like it from the outside.

      This kind of public impropriety would have been unthinkable in the recent past, but sure, what else can Trump degrade about this country.

    8. Holy shit that’s the actual drudge report front page – I thought this was just a wishful thinking joke meme but damn

    9. I’d like to add a rumor that he got her pregnant and she had an abortion. I think that would be a fun one.

    10. baron_muchhumpin on

      Why are there so many pictures of her standing so close to, even pressing against, trump?

      Just asking questions

    11. TheVoiceInZanesHead on

      She also accused Graham of being gay in a Twitter flame war

      “When is Lindsay [sic] coming out of the closet?” Loomer said. “We all know you’re Gay, Lindsey.… And that’s ok. It’s ok. It’s 2024. There’s nothing wrong with Gay people. I like men too. You and I have something in common we can bond over. Just be honest about it. Nobody is going to judge you for being open about who you are.”

    12. FAKE!!!! Trump is a low-life piece of shit racist rapist who tried to overthrow the government. But come on, guys. Even he wouldn’t sink that low.

    13. dennismfrancisart on

      Trump has lost interest in getting back into the White House to avoid prison. He’s got a pen pal now who can help him while he’s in stir. Good for you Donny Boy!

    14. I really was stumped on what more Donald Trump could do that would just bring us back to High School. The jock just openly banging the ugly cheerleader in front of everyone. We all cringed knowing he had some other things far more important and the cutest cheerleader at home but he just had to show us that he had a new play toy. So good DJT we are all impressed/repulsed.

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