how she got pregnant when in coma

    by eimas_dev


    1. I’ve heard a few stories just like this and it’s disgusting. The people who are supposed to be taking care of them are assaulting them to live out their weird and fucked up fetishes.

    2. ‘she wasn’t pregnant when she became comatose.’

      This resonates with me. I was born in a psychiatric hospital in the UK IN 1959, eleven years after my mother’s (who had severe educational needs) reception in 1948 when she was a 16-year-old girl. This type of sick shit happens.

    3. This happened to a woman recently and they DNA tested all the males at the facility. Dude got 4 years in prison

    4. Can you imagine coming out of a coma and people have to explain last year to you, oh and you’re a mom now. At least it should be easy to figure out the rapist, right? Only so many people have access and there’s plenty of DNA evidence. Or maybe it was a partner (still rape, but slightly less horrific I guess)

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