This man is mentally unwell.

    by _Piss_Tape_Expert_


    1. I_can_use_chopsticks on

      Venezuela? I thought it was Haiti. Who are we racist against this week? I can’t keep up.

    2. This fucking guy is going to get someone killed with how much energy he’s putting into a fake story. There’s already been bomb threats and he shows NO sign of slowing down.

    3. Rancho Palos verdes is not really California. Doesn’t get much redder than that. Houses are well over 7 figures in that area.

    4. Trump: We’re gonna deport the Haitians back to where they DIDN’T come from.

      Fuck kinda chess is this man playing?

    5. Kootenay-Hippie on

      Why don’t we send that draft dodging square head back where his deported, draft dodging, grandfather came from?

    6. ngl, that’s what I thought when I saw this. He is doubling down on Springfield hate and then adds that he would send them back to Venezuela?! The last part made me think he really may be detached from reality at this point.

    7. I thought they were Haitians? He cannot even get the story straight on which minorities and where they are from.

    8. CommunicationHot7822 on

      Can’t even keep his racism straight. Reminder that before the debate the propaganda was that cats were being eaten yet his addled brain said dogs so now they’re going with that too.

    9. I swear he doesn’t know what Haiti is, he thinks Haitian is just a racist term for people of color.

    10. I could be wrong, but aren’t (at least most of) the Haitian immigrants in Ohio here legally?

      I get it, racists are assholes and want all immigrants (illegal and legal) out, but telling all legal immigrants “you might be next” isn’t a good way to win votes.

    11. He’s overdosed on the Newsmax/Fox News koolaid. It think he’s actually stupid enough believe all the garbage he hears on there constantly.

    12. Worldly_Zombie_1537 on

      Is he aware that Haiti and Venezuela are two different countries and no where near one another???

    13. Jellybean-Jellybean on

      Did he forget which group he’s being racists against, or does he think Haiti is somewhere in Venezuela?

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