Channeling their inner Noem

    by MothersMiIk


    1. Bartelbythescrivener on

      This is where it for sure is going until we can catch one in the act, just like how the BLM protests had active white supremest’s trying to incite and breaking windows etc.

    2. Wait I’m confused. I thought they were eating them…but this implies they’re just “mutilating” them for no reason. These people can’t even stick to one made up story.

    3. FistPunch_Vol_7 on

      Honestly, at this point they are really trying to get someone to do something very extreme with this language. Fuck

    4. They’re trying to push the immigration scare tactics so hard so they’d make the nation believe we need far right party to help us fight against them. Just like what currently happened in Germany..

      It’s funny cause we need the damn opposite of what they’re offering rn smh

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