A man making some harmonious sounds by himself.

    by Smiles4YouRawrX3


    1. Routinestory8383 on

      Respond to an ad for musician wanted. Get there. “So here’s the job… oh yeah we take 90% yo tips too.

    2. I almost made it past the agonizing time it took to hook everything up…not sure what it sounded like. Peace.

    3. BigAlTheBeardedOne on

      Some people are just otherworldly talented, even if it is in some of the most bizarre of pursuits. Not just the talent of being that musically inclined and being able to multi task to that level, but to even begin with the idea of building that contraption and pulling it off, well done sir!

    4. Unbelievable666 on


      Literally is Burt from Mary Poppins doing the very first three minutes of the film entertaining the people in the park

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