What a disgraceful, impotent coward Vance is.

    by Cyrix_FPU_FTW


    1. When white supremacists attacked his wife he responded with “she’s not white but”

      He doesn’t care if people attack her race.

    2. Usha has already given JD children, so she’s not worth defending anymore. She’s served her purpose.

    3. blandocalrissian50 on

      We shouldn’t throw the word man around when describing someone like JV. I was always taught a man should stand up for his spouse, no matter what. And treat said spouse with respect and honor. If he can make jokes about Haitian immigrants eating cats and cause bomb threats to schools in his own state, he could show some decency and defend his spouse. He chooses not to, therefore he is garbage. And when I say a man should stand up for his spouse, I don’t mean to be sexiest. Everyone should no matter who they are married to. It’s not a gender thing or a straight thing. In any relationship, that’s what you do. Period. What a POS.

    4. What’s sad is that in defending Kamala, and in the process his wife, he’d probably be gaining points with both sides (I could be misjudging one side, I know.)

      But I guess he can’t go after his boss’s new squeeze.

    5. CLARABELLA_2425 on

      Does it sound familiar? What did Rafael Cruz do after the 🤡 insulted his wife? The eunuch (Cruz) endorsed him.

    6. IveChosenANameAgain on

      You see “Won’t protect wife”. Cultists see “Willing to sacrifice wife to cult”. It’s a beacon to them, not a turn-off. Bonus points for token to be spent when useful.

    7. Probably Vance would get upset if they attacked Peter Thiel, but his wife and the mother of his children just isn’t as important.

    8. I wonder if his wife will divorce him after he loses?

      A divorce, a lost election, and damn near universally labeled both as a fool and a coward.

      A real red letter year.

    9. He’s from the Ted Cruz, Sam Alito school of allegedly alpha masculine sycophancy. Plus his own forest is ablaze at the moment.

    10. baron_muchhumpin on

      Let’s not pretend JD’s wife isn’t complicit. She has a voice and is willing to say nothing for the chance of getting more power.

      That’s it.

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