Keep us posted

    by Mtantele


    1. Half and half, and don’t even hide it from any of them. This could be very good for you.

      Go to the first, say you can stay for only 30 minutes because it’s your other favorite aunt’s birthday and you can’t miss that. Make sure to have cake and leftovers packed for you before you leave.

      Go to the second birthday and say you’re late because you had to attend your other aunt’s birthday, and complain about traffic. A lot.

      Stay 30 minutes, complain about being tired, make sure to have cake and leftovers packed for you before you leave though.

      You now have delicious leftovers for a few days in your fridge. 

      Bon appetit!

    2. Go to both and say you chose them. Then when they tell each other you went to both, they dont believe each other.

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