These little black devices which were stuck on all of the manhole covers within the security perimeter of the recent Chicago DNC.

    by ViggoB12


    1. powdered_dognut on

      Before the Obama – McCain debate at the University of Mississippi they welded all the manhole covers in the area. Some storm drains had bars welded on them.

    2. Is that a device that does something, or is it just a seal so that you know if somebody has opened it up?

    3. Captain_no_Hindsight on

      Okay, so if you steal them and cross state lines, there’s a speaker that says “beep, beep, beep”?

      How far have we sunk when you have to have alarm tags on the street lids?

    4. Its a significant improvement over welding manhole covers closed.

      I live in Ireland, my friend does water infrastructure maintenance and is still finding welded manhole covers from Biden’s visit last year. Pain in the hole.

    5. For every inauguration in DC, the power company has to go around and seal all the man hole covers weeks before the event for security reasons

    6. Every drain in my home town of Chester has the same thing after the Duke of westminsters wedding.

    7. It is just a seal.

      I live in a city in the UK that traditionally hosts a major political party gathering every year. Anything that can be opened within the security zone is opened, checked and then sealed with a tag. The tag is an easy way to see if it has been tampered with.

      [Mistakes]( have been made in the past.

    8. They are just like zip ties on supply cabinets, they don’t keep anyone out, just let you know if someone went in.

    9. Basically every drain cover in Edinburgh had them for the festival as well, even the tiny little ones only like 15cm across.

      Tbh half of them were applied so badly I’m not convinced they were of any use.

    10. They should have a little circuit in them and tech so that they send out a signal to a “base” if broken/cut. The battery might last a few days, only activating the ping when the circuit is cut.

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