Kate Bush. 1978.

    by mdolla2064u


    1. Great pic ! How do you get posts un “locked” in this group ? My most first post in this group was locked right after posting and I made sure all rules are followed and now every time I try and join this group I notice it unjoins me right after. I don’t know a lot about Reddit

    2. Express_Young_6178 on

      Kate Bush is a British singer-songwriter known for her eclectic music and distinctive voice. In 1978, she released her highly acclaimed album The Kick Inside, which included her breakthrough hit single Wuthering Heights. Kate Bush’s unique style and artistic vision have made her a revered figure in the music industry.

    3. SlightWerewolf4428 on

      Fun fact:

      She had a lot of differences with her family, especially given the more exhibitionist nature of her movies, next to her music career.

      When the 1984 election came round, she completely disowned her family and stayed neutral throughout. Same was repeated in 2000 and 2004. (Probably a good thing as she started doing erotica by then)

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