Candle at the local vet to tell people that someone is losing a pet.

    by Icarus_045


    1. I would throw away the candle. problem solved all pets live forever.

      I mean why is even make the candle in the first place

    2. When my cat passed the vet office had a private room with little blankets and stuff. They just left me in there for about 15 minutes with my cat before coming in to give her the injection while I held her

    3. When our dog was put to sleep at the animal hospital, I stepped outside for a minute and they hadn’t lit the candle at all

    4. One of these was lit the day I had to have my old boy Tobi put down. The lobby got very quiet when I walked out from the back with my empty cat carrier.

    5. Never in my life have I wailed like a baby the way I did when I had to put my Siamese down last year. Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest things you can go through emotionally (in my opinion).

    6. Those moments are the most painful.
      I hate that losing a pet is more destructive and heartbreaking than losing a relative.

    7. I work at a vet ER. That candle would pretty much be lit constantly. It’s not uncommon to do 12 in a shift on a weekend.

    8. Makes me think of the time I could hear the vet in the other room telling a pet owner the bad news. Later that year I had to make that decision too, for my sweet senior cat 🙁

    9. My vet has his office inside of a pet shop. When I had to euthanize my cat they offered me to exit the building through the back exit so that I didn’t had to walk through the store while being an emotional mess.

    10. Ecstatic_Jump_9428 on

      We just put our 15-yo dog down. We knew the news was bad when they brought us to the exam room with a door leading directly to the parking lot

    11. I’m a vet tech. The number of people who look at our candle, read the sign, then proceed to talk loudly and laugh is infuriating.

    12. Low-Helicopter-2696 on

      It’s amazing how something like this really is a commonly shared experience. If you own a pet and have gone through this, it really hits a nerve.

    13. We lost our Labrador almost a year ago and seeing this even now made me bawl. I’m so grateful he passed at home though. Thoughts are with people going through this now.

    14. Hits me pretty hard today, got a 14 year old cat at the vet today getting IV fluids, hoping the kidney failure we are seeing is acute from an infection she has and not just old age.

      Monday we take her back to get the numbers run again, and if they are no better I’m going to have to put her to sleep. I’ve already spent way more money than I should have, but she is one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever owned, and I couldn’t let her go without at least trying.

    15. PocketlessCargoPants on

      My old vet had this. They were very compassionate too when I did the payment paperwork at the front desk prior. They gave options of receiving remains or having them spread at a specific affiliated cemetery, and sent a plaster paw print with name engraving in it/condolences cards. Not super expensive because nobody should be worrying about money during grief.

      It was also an exotic animal hospital so they do prints for any animal, from snakes to sugar gliders

    16. Foxy_locksy1704 on

      My vet had one too, I don’t know why but when I had to say goodbye to my 17 year old cat seeing the candle kind of helped a little knowing that other people in the office knew I was hurting and why mascara was running down my face.

    17. I love this, thoughtful as hell. Our vet had a side exit from the room they euthanized pets in, so that you didn’t have to go through the lobby to leave. It was greatly appreciated when I lost my senior cat earlier this year.

    18. This is so thoughtful. I remember when I had to put my boy down, I carried him in wrapped in a blanket. A little girl shouted “Look! A kitty!” as I stood there weeping, waiting to check in. Her mom shushed her. I definitely don’t blame the child, she was just excited to see a kitty. But it stung a bit that she was so blissfully ignorant while I was having the worst day of my life. The vet was kind enough to let me leave out the back door cuz I couldn’t face anyone else. If you’ve been there, you know. This approach is great.

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