American dream

    by Lakelynn_DS


    1. Maleficent-Salad3197 on

      Capitalism without regulation is idiocy to support. Without lobbyists/bribes we would have healthcare and a better way of life. Vote registration should be mandatory for all citizens. If they don’t want to thats their right but stop the Jim Crow nonsense.

    2. Blademasterzer0 on

      I sure do love the fact that slavery was “abolished” and they then just dressed it in a fancy new coat of paint and suddenly no one cared

    3. ElectroAtleticoJr on

      Add to that: Imagine growing up to be yy liberal progressive who will be miserable for their whole pathetic life.

    4. I used to want to live in America when I was teenager, now as an adult I don’t even want to visit the place

    5. Too bad your mother didn’t give birth to you in one of those idyllic foreign countries that the USA thinks it is so vastly superior to.

    6. notawildandcrazyguy on

      And yet somehow people from all over the world want to be here. Hopefully the ones not solely laser focused on our problems like whatever dipshit posted this dystopian screed.

    7. Emergency-Pack-5497 on

      There’s a lot of reasons to be pro choice. However, assuming the child will have a miserable life because of your depressed negative outlook on life is not one of them.

    8. Sad but unfortunately true which is why we must turn the page on this past and elect democrats from top to bother or it will only get worse.

    9. #Thank your local republicans for all of that! Then GO VOTE!!! VOTE BLUE EVERYWHERE TO SAVE AMERICA!

    10. Choice_Reindeer7759 on

      Doomers gonna doom. Glad I don’t have this mindset. This can happen in any country. Realize what you have that others don’t. 

      40 states have expanded medicaid AKA medical care for the poor btw. 

    11. It’s worse than that. If you grow up poor, you’re far more likely to have chronic health problems and good luck with that!

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