My best friend sent me a picture of something weird on his elbow that he wanted me to look at. My best friend is blind.

    by AzulaOblongata


    1. The_Big_Fig_Newton on

      At least the one photograph in the room is up on a shelf where no one else could see it either

    2. Invisible is the word you’re looking for.

      Your best friend isn’t blind, they are *invisible*.

    3. Total aside, one of my coworkers is signed up to a service where blind folks can use an app to get help from a seeing person to help with a task, either through a video call or with in-person help

      My coworker responded to one helped a lady to help read her mail. When she turned on the video call, it was completely dark and when my coworker said he couldn’t see anything, she responded “Oh sorry, I usually don’t have the lights on”

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