The new far right power couple – Loomer & Groomer

    by anomaly_research


    1. Environmental-Arm365 on

      I’ll be really disappointed if she doesn’t break out the “I don’t care do u?” jacket in this news cycle.

    2. Is the absence of a ring on Trump’s finger significant? I have never really paid attention before, but I know that for some couples, it’s not a daily wear item.

    3. The evangelical crowd already knows he’s an adulterer. So what’s he going for? The Skank Vote?

    4. Hes more publicly intimate with Loomer than he has been with his wife over the course of his entire presidency

    5. StandardImpact6458 on

      Hasn’t this gold digger hasn’t been paying attention. He’s a broke dick on his way to prison. Melania’s probably pulling cash out of the mattress to make her escape. Or alternative ending, Melania has to complete her mission before she leaves. Either way liver lips Loomer gets used up and kicked to the curb like the rest of.his followers.

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