My little brother’s history on his ds…

    by JoyKasia


    1. It’s perfectly normal. You can start to worry when you see things like:

      * Nugget Porn
      * Farm Animals
      * Hitler Fanfic
      * Incest Videos
      * How to trust the government
      * e621

    2. How old is that picture pretty sure the internet i thought fuctionality got shut down on DS and DSi a long time ago. I actually did the same thing as a kid but on the 3DS, because I had no smartphone…. damn kinda nostalgic now

    3. I’d advise for you to not allow your brother to watch this stuff. I feel like it’s too impressionable for a child and will definitely ruin how they view women.

    4. Lol I did that on my PSP tethering from my neighbor’s Wi-Fi before it was normal to lock your connection with a password. Gooooood times! 🚬

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