The gift shop at Children’s Hospital sells some really weird stuffed toys. Here I am holding a stuffed trash can.

    by jeffvanlaethem


    1. Meanwhile-in-Paris on

      What’s inside? Repost with the lid otf please.

      And while you’re at it, hide your name on your name tag.

    2. This actually makes sense. I mean, think about how many kids feel like this and just need something to cope with life for a bit while they heal or if they can even heal.

    3. Omg!!! They make the best plushies. My silliest from them would be my cinnamon bun(ny), but I have so much of their stuff. They’re very good

    4. Squishables! I have a fat pink dragon from them. They have people design them and vote for which they like best. It doesn’t surprise me that a trash can got enough votes to become an actual plushy

    5. Squishables! They have a website too, where they’ve got a lot of weird or goofy plushies. From cryptids to ambulances.

    6. smokeyfantastico on

      If anyone body wants one.

    7. Pleasant_Reading9092 on

      Former Children’s Hospital patient here! I highly recommend, they have plushies of so many organs and glands. I got a plushie for my problem organ when I was young and I still have it.

    8. I’m glad they cater to weird children, because I was absolutely one of those kids who would’ve loved this.

    9. EngineeringDevil on

      That right there would be perfect “from Tsundere” Present to MC of some generic Harem Anime

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