[OC] Birdcalls heard in my backyard this year – better way to represent this?

    by AliasJackBauer


    1. Data is from my bird call analyzer (VM listening in on my outdoor cameras) and plotted using Excel.

    2. Mind letting us know where you’re located roughly? Would be interesting to see how migration patterns affect this chart

    3. Nice job, very interesting information!
      In terms of data visualization, I have just a couple suggestions. There might be too many birds for a single plot. Is there some coarser categorization that these birds can be broken into?
      Breaking this into a few different bar charts would cut down on the number of similar colors you have to use categorize.
      Also, if the key could be made larger that would help legibility. Good work though, I would love to see the full year!

    4. Cool data!

      Echoing what other people said, definitely try to group up to a larger category (blackbirds, sparrows idk birds). Would make the chart a bit easier to follow.

      Another thing you could try is a line graph or scatter plot (number of birds by outside temp and date).

    5. ilikeprettycharts on

      Why the hell isn’t goldfinch gold? Blue jays blue? Matching colors to the bird would be simple and fun.

    6. Other folks mentioned segmenting the birds.

      You can also split into 2-3 line graphs, grouping birds by frequency (so top 8, mid 8, the rest). Line charts are helpful here vs bars because we’re probably interested in trends over time. But, there’s a limit on how many lines you can have before the result is unreadable spaghetti. I suggested 8 per chart, even that might be too many.

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