“Dream of the Magi” by French sculptor Gislebertus, Located at the Cathedral of St Lazare in Autun, France 12th century [640 x 457]

    by Mysterious_Sorcery


    1. Archaeologists from the 80s be like: “Three men in one bed? That’s what I call real friendship and nothing more”

    2. Mysterious_Sorcery on

      This charming carving was completed by a man named Gislebertus, the greatest sculptor of his period and one of the few whose name we know. We know his name because on one of his carvings he put the words ‘Gislebertus hoc fecit’ – ‘Gislebertus made this’ – a sign of the great esteem in which he was held by his contemporaries. He carried out the work in Autun between 1125 and 1135. An angel gently wakes one of the three wise men with a finger touch while pointing towards the star of Bethlehem in their dream. This carving shows the biblical story of the three Magi (wise men) being visited by an angel in a dream, guiding them to the newborn Jesus.

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