The rules are the rules for everyone

    by Kaylinlinn


    1. Don’t worry the boot-licking politicians of NJ will be working overtime to carve out an exception for Trump.

    2. Sure_Garbage_2119 on

      “the deep state is after your booze and i´m all that stands between them and you. donate NOW and help pedonaldo trumpedo fight for the freedom of booze.”

    3. Awwww shit!!! He will just put it in his wife’s name though. Or son. Or his daughter he’d like to fuck…

    4. Cheat, big lies, he’s gonna have the best water around, you’ll see, better than wine, he knows water better than anyone else!

    5. justhereforfighting on

      But, of course, the asinine supreme court immunity decision is delaying this until his sentencing in November. Because of course it is.

    6. Sherlockian_Whimsy on

      “Look, a drunk, one of the biggest, came up to me with tears in his eyes, and he shook my hand…real hard because he was shaking all over…and he thanked me for all the booze I’d served him. He said it was the best liquor he’d ever drank, and we served it quick. Mr. President, he said to me, you got me drunker than I’ve ever been anywhere. It was like the waitress was just holding one out to me all the time I was gambling. Such a great drinker. In the hospital now, all because of the Democrats and their Russia Russia Russia. They don’t want to let me serve drinks but they cook up the cats and the dogs and the born babies and the extra transgender parts right in the schools.”

    7. Recent_Obligation276 on

      He’ll just sign the business over to one of his kids.

      Same way he did for the presidency.

    8. Does he personally own all those goddamn golf courses and “businesses” in his own name? You would imagine a “business genius” would have holding companies and management teams to reduce liability and prevent stuff like this from happening, wouldn’t you?

    9. pokemon-trainer-blue on

      What’s the facepalm supposed to be? I don’t see a facepalm here. I don’t like him, but this just feels like another “I hate Trump” post.

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