Pour one out for Lil Wayne. He’s not dead, he’s just in his feelings lol

    by detox02


    1. If the super bowl wasnt being hosted in NOLA would he even have been a top 5 act considered for the half time?

    2. Yea this ain’t it. Wayne was respectful and didn’t place any blame on anyone for his feelings other than himself. Bro is a huge sports fan and wanted to perform on one of the biggest sports platforms. It’s human to feel disappointed especially if you feel like you’re one of the greats of your craft. Yall gotta have some empathy lol

    3. SentientBaseball on

      Listen. We all know Wayne is a GOAT. Top 10 if not a top 5 rapper of all time. A legend. But Wayne right now putting on a show like the Super Bowl halftime would be awful. He constantly forgets lyrics to his own songs in his own shows. His voice isn’t as powerful as it once was. It would be a train wreck.

      I’d love if Kendrick brought him as a guest appearance but considering how close Wayne, Drake, and Nicki are, I doubt that will happen. Just a sad situation for Wayne

      EDIT: Some of y’all are being wayyyy to disrespectful to Wayne in these replies

    4. etherealcaitiff on

      I feel like Kendrick is gonna have him up there for Mona Lisa. Superbowl half-time has more features than a DJ Khaled album.

    5. I can see how it would hurt to be excluded from this.

      Knowing that at one time you were that GUY
      and knowing that they are coming to a city that you champion and that you were (likely) not even in the conversation. i think that would hit most people in an uncomfortable way.

      That being said.

      I’m trying to hear not like us at the superbowl.

      if for no other reasons than to hear “No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin’ colonizer” on live tv. and
      Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God.


    6. Hard to feel empathy for the guy after he’s spent the last decade shitting where he eats. Dude is on rushmore but has a reputation for literally not trying at his shows. I dunno what he expects? He chose the easy route and that route still comes with a lot of money. Just not an opportunity to get up there and dance for the suits. They want their entertainment as close to guaranteed as possible, and kenny dont miss.

    7. WaitingForNormal on

      Maybe his maga bros can help him feel better about it. I’m sure they’re all running to his aid to cheer him up as we speak.

    8. I do understand that he really wanted the gig and I totally get being disappointed. I like that he didn’t blame anyone in the video.

      But everybody around him – fans included – acting like Wayne was entitled to it, and like he was wronged by someone – that is getting on my LAST nerve. I need people to just stop with the nonsense already.

    9. I don’t like how this is twisted to being about Kendrick vs Drake when many people were suggesting Wayne should perform in NOLA after the last Super Bowl. Even Wayne himself came out and said he was interested, this wasn’t a new idea.

      Seems like everything Kendrick people will find a way to connect it to Drake. Same goes vice versa. People need to move forward

    10. Inside-Confection787 on

      You don’t see many people here in New Orleans offended about him not performing. Bro’s fav team is The Packers

    11. The Super Bowl is an annual event. If he’s feeling this way, then he could step it up and be in the conversation in a year or two. It’s not a do or die to preform in your home city. Put in the work for a comeback kid performance.

    12. Ion feel like this was a shot at wayne or anything like that. The NFL is a business and they see dollar signs, right now anyone that has some money and wants to boost their revenue in the entertainment industry is going to get Kendrick by all and any means because right now he is prevalent and he’s what the “culture” is about right now. So business wise, Wayne was a bad business move.

    13. Maybe he could come back to Northern Virginia and give us the show that he walked out on I paid to see Wayne. I was in the Lawn seats (lawn seating is behind the stadium amphitheater on a hill) so he probably couldn’t see the thousands of fans that were there for him, but its not alright to just do that.


    14. After watching his live performance at Wrestlemania I understand why they didn’t offer him the halftime show

    15. Imagine you hear a women you like is coming to your city, you “ask her for a date”, get rejected, then make a whole video saying how you’re disappointed and hurt. This is basically the same shit lol

    16. I think he’d make for an excellent guest appearance, but moping around like this is not gonna make Kendrick or the NFL sympathetic to that kind of request.

    17. I mean if this was ~2007-2012 he would be perfect. But now? He’s maybe 8 years past his expiration date, imo.

    18. Backfisttothepast on

      If that wrestlemania “performance “ was anything to go by ,they made the right choice.

    19. He’s allowed to be disappointed. Hopefully there’s people around him that can explain why it worked out this way.

    20. dragon_emperess on

      Lil Wayne is irrelevant and entitled. I haven’t heard this man’s name in years lol! And Kendrick Lamar is killing it he’s the better choice. Lil Wayne won’t draw in viewers let’s be honest. And most people don’t even perform in their city it’s not about the hosting city.

    21. I have to ask, when has the Superbowl headliner ever been from the city the game is hosted in and why all of the sudden is this a huge thing? Hell, the majority of the fans in a attendance aren’t even going to be from there either.

    22. noishouldbewriting on

      Unlike so many people, I haven’t forgot about his selective opinions on black lives matter, nor his endorsement of Trump. So I don’t care how it made him feel.

    23. MuddaFrmAnnudaBrudda on

      The manipulation intended here was palpable. Wayne is an OG but this was a terrible move on his camp’s part. They should never have done this. From Nicki calling Jay Z a house slave to this video, they have done nothing to convince anyone their Superbowl show, would have been anything other than a shambles.

    24. Wayne also has a problem showing up. A producer said Wayne made zero rehearsals for the Grammys, showed up minutes before the performance, did it and left. Didn’t meet him once and from what I understand these same people are doing the Super Bowl halftime show.

      Wayne needs better people in his camp and they need to stop being yes men. The F in Wheezy F stands for fumbling the bag in this case.

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