Gotta catch em all

    by Lyla-Ethos


    1. Independent_Tie_4984 on

      I’m not gonna pick on a 50 something guy that looks out of shape with his shirt off, because that’s at least 80% of all 50 something guys.

      I am going to pick on a guy that can easily (pocket change easily) afford the absolute best dietitian, private chef and personal trainer on earth looking that out of shape with his shirt off.

      If I had his money I’d look exactly like a super rich dude that could afford to pay other people to maintain my health.

    2. hatchback_baller on

      Clearly this is photoshopped. But his real beach body pics are not great. And he is a despicable person.

    3. Is this a real photo of him? You can’t trust anything these days. If so, when did he manage to gain so much weight?

    4. Is that actually him?? Jabba the Musk or Elon the Hut, not sure what direction i wanna go. Look out Taylor Swift, an Alpha male is coming for you… 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Professional_Mud1844 on

      Be nice, it just laid another clutch of eggs in the sand and is trying to crawl back into the ocean. It hasn’t had time to lose the baby weight.

    6. Interesting-Tough640 on

      Reality doesn’t live up to expectations as far as mermaids is concerned.

      It’s like someone grafted the rear end of a seal onto a bloated corpse.

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