New First Lady

    by GonzoVeritas


    1. Darkwing_Turducken on

      That’s weird. I don’t remember the principal from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off being in The Purge…

    2. dragonfliesloveme on

      I saw a clip of her on the news with trump, i think it was at mar a lago. Anyway she’s right next to him and fawning over him and she goes to say i love you, but she turned her head haha. Like she got the “I” out but the “love you” she was turning her head away from him and down, she would have been facing the camera at the end of it instead of facing him, but she put her head down.

      I was like “Is it that even lies-for-a-living Laura Loomer can’t say that to trump” lol. Or is it that she has no soul and uttering those words to anyone at any time and meaning them is basically impossible for her?

      It was weird

    3. Real life shippers are weird.

      Edit: Wanna add that it’s fucking hilarious that this guy used the heavily photoshopped photo of Loomer as his model for the painting. Most likely because that’s the first that pops up when you google her name.

    4. Xploding_Penguin on

      Glad to see he nailed the likeness of Loomer perfectly. He however made trump look much better.

    5. Oh lord Temu Melania will be gone in heart beat if she can’t get anything out of this, but it will destroy the rest of her life and she deserves it!

    6. I’d buy that painting. If I found it at a flea market for fiddy cents. And it was 20 below zero. And I had one match, a trash barrel, and no coat.

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