It’s actually quite pitiful that some people have this thought process..

    by TheTargaryensLawyer


    1. Poor enough to be swayed by that amount of money + stupid enough to not understand how they received the money and paid it back = Trump supporter

      Maths checks out

    2. Glittering-Spite234 on

      I’d say that the ACA made a pretty big direct difference in many many people’s lives.

    3. George W Bush moved the needle in the 2000 election by promising $400 checks to every household when Clinton left us with a budget surplus. No effort at investing that in infrastructure, paying down the debt, straight up bought votes.

    4. It’s poor mentality, main reason why Africa has little to no progress, give poor people little money during elections then ignore them when in power. Next 4 yrs rinse and repeat.

    5. “23 years of living”? If one of her parents is alive with a job, I can think of at least one other direct benefit she’s receiving from another president. But hey, who benefits from healthcare, right?

      Also, Trump wasn’t even president when all of that money was dispursed. Half of it was under Biden.

    6. EccentricMsCoco on

      What’s really sad is they really think Trump wrote the check as if Congress didn’t have to vote on it. Trump just insisted on having his name on the check and I see it worked out for folks who are ignorant of how the stimulus checks worked.

    7. WaitingForNormal on

      The money came from the GOVERNMENT, do they really think any other president wouldn’t have done the exact same thing. This is not the first time america has sent “stimulus checks”.

    8. etherealcaitiff on

      I gotta understand why people think only Trump did checks. Biden did the last one and it was the biggest check.

    9. alldaylurkerforever on

      I guess we should make sure she doesn’t get the protections of the ACA when she needs it. Since you know, she’s not DIRECTLY receiving that benefit right now.

    10. boooooooooo_cowboys on

      I guess a 23 year old is too young to remember the stimulus checks that were given out around the 2008 recession?

    11. All these years later it’s just 75 cents a day.

      For 75 cents a day you can sponsor a broke 🦝

    12. SplintPunchbeef on

      Trump is also the reason why many of the same people who got stimulus checks owed money to the IRS last year but I guess that don’t count.

    13. I know a girl who graduated college without knowing what a noun is. People are way…WAY dumber than you can imagine. And our society is all too happy to pass them along to the next asshole.

    14. Yea it’s so sad the democrats didn’t learn populist policy gets fucking results. ‘Opportunity economy’ my ass. Tax breaks for entrepreneurs is such a fucking joke. Straight up Hilary campaign too little, too late 

    15. th1sd1ka1ntfr33 on

      This is why democrats sued to have Trumps signature removed from the checks, which failed because they couldn’t be seen as the reason the relief wasn’t getting sent out.

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