Elon hates Australia 🐨

    by javelin3000


    1. storyteller_alienmom on

      but why are you so mad Elon? it´s not like somebody is spreading misinformation on your platform? right? right? RIGHT?

    2. The South African Nazi is literally angry about not being allowed to attack people with vile and dangerous lies

    3. pine-cone-sundae on

      What he is saying is fighting disinformation is fascism.

      I guess someone who thinks his slowly tanking disinformation platform is the only game might think that.

    4. Careless_Ad_2402 on

      This is really gonna be a FAFO moment for Elon when Twitter ends up with like a 2BN valuation because it’s banned in most of the first world.

    5. finally a country that just fines a percentage of total revenue, instead of a fixed amount, I hope more and more countries will do that, that is the only way to keep multi billion dollar companies in check.

    6. The irony of Elon calling anyone a fascist after the shit he pulls on the platform he owns. Fucking clown.

    7. Just because he bought the biggest megaphone on earth doesn’t make him right, insightful, intelligent, interesting or worth listening to in any way. He’s proven it time and time again.

    8. Why are most billionaires not fully and completely developed? I think you should have adult cognition tests before becoming a billionaire.

    9. DJ_Dinkelweckerl on

      I feel like the word fascist gets thrown around a bit too frequently lately. You don’t like my opinion? Fascist. You want to make my fascist propaganda platform disappear in your country? Double-fascist!

    10. Elmoron doesn’t really support free speech.

      What he does support, and others like him, is free lies…and the ability to spread them unchecked.

    11. ScenesFromStarWars on

      Ironically, Elon’s one word tweet is also a perfect example of misinformation since Australia’s government is far from fascist

    12. Elon Musk is a red light warning to the world of what can happen if you let one person become too rich and powerful. We need to tax the shit out of billionaires; no person is worth a $55,000,000,000 bonus.

    13. Deliberately spreading misinformation for your own gain is one of the most Fascist things you can do

    14. How many countries is this man going to single handedly start a fight with?

      Fuckin’ seriously.

    15. Elon LOVES misinformation. Any attempt to stop him from yelling fire in a crowded theater just pisses him off.

    16. Don’t spread known misinformation and you’re fine. They’re not limiting your freedom of speech, they’re holding you accountable for what you say. The issue isn’t that Elon is too dumb to know the difference between freedom of speech and freedom from repercussions, it’s that he’s being willfully obtuse about it because he knows his followers are too dumb to know the difference. If they aren’t too dumb they’re being willfully ignorant due to celebrity status and false assimilation.

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