Ambulance =/= Taxi ??

    by Lingonberry_Angelic


    1. It is your ride to forever debt. Brings you to a building that’s gonna put even more debt on top of your debt.

    2. Charming_Truck_4262 on

      Glad to live in Germany, where calling an ambulance costs you 10 bucks and the bill won’t charge you more than 280 per year

    3. Beginning_Orange on

      As a FF/medic in a busy city, the amount of absolute bullshit we respond to is definitely a problem. Like 75% of our calls are stupid shit like “my knee’s been hurting for a couple days, I’m capable of walking and driving myself to the hospital but I’d rather just have you take me”.

      Not exactly an “emergency service”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve transported a patient like this only to have another rescue respond from the other side of the city to our area for an actual emergency. It’s absolutely a strain on the system, we aren’t an endless resource and constantly get tied up dealing with people like this.

    4. If you truly NEED an ambulance I’m sorry you are not just not taking it because you are broke. Yes you might avoid the huge ambulance costs when you cut yourself with a kitchen knife and it’s not an artery. That’s what they are talking about when they say it’s not a taxi. If you truly need that ambulance you will take it. This idea of people more in fear of debt than a heart attack is stupid

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