I want him back 😭😭

    by Bella_Alluring


    1. No way this isn’t bait, but on the off chance its not, you did him a service. Dude can be happier without someone who only wanted his money.

    2. First, let’s play along as if this was true.

      Second, hopefully she learns a lesson from this. Given the last line and the fact this is all posted tells me probably not.

    3. Ironically this social media post about manipulative social media posts is trying to manipulate the people with rage bait.

    4. Yup just about sums up the problem with the new generation. Influenced by social media to do all the wrong and stupid stuff. That’s why yall calling everyone brainrot now

    5. Dont yall know this stuff isn’t real and it’s just made up rage bait to make you hate women

    6. What she did was awful don’t get me wrong but who adopts their nephews without telling their partner?

    7. Chemical_Savings_360 on

      I’ll take shit that didn’t happen for 500 Alex

      “Congrats josh on winning the daily double”

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