Stephen Miller goes bananas over journalist asking for proof of Miller’s bogus claims

    by ExactlySorta




    2. Miller is aging like an organic banana. He was in his 30s last year and looks like he’s in his 50s now

    3. Pretty smart way of putting it, too. “What, you just accept the word of a communist dictator at face value?”

    4. This creep is advising/manipulating Trump and we wonder where he gets all his fear mongering comments from.

    5. Altruistic-Unit485 on

      Great journalism. We don’t see enough of this. Keep asking them, don’t give up after one or two times.

    6. Typical of someone intolerant of a foreign individual. Feel like they can’t speak English? Say it louder. 🙄

    7. WinchelltheMagician on

      Comical. How he raises his voice is so funny, especially as the reporter remains so calm and cool.

    8. ccccombobreakerx on

      Miller prob fantasizes about being the next Goebbels and prob wished in that moment he could have had that reporter killed. I’d bet my last dollar on that.

    9. It’s not that easy to say whatever you want when people fact check you and don’t let use hilariously bad strawman arguments, huh? Who would have guessed.

    10. While he’s spouting his nonsense about saving children in schools, the follow-up question could’ve been, “Why aren’t republicans saving children in schools from gun violence perpetrated by Americans?”

    11. WaitingForNormal on

      For some people, when they know they are losing an argument, instead of coming up with logic to support their statement, they just get more and more aggressive. They think strength wins arguments, not reason. This is maga.

    12. We need to put journalists like this up on pedestals and make them highly visible. It will teach our media that they can have “celebrity reporters” who are popular for putting the politicians on the hot seat. And no politician will want to ignore “celebrity reporters” because they are so popular.

    13. Stephen Miller is one of the few people I have ever become aware of that made me reflexively jerk back. Then, he spoke and shivers went up my spine. It could be unfair to judge someone on such superficial appearances but he is one of the few who brought on this emotion.

      Of course, listening to him only solidifies the instant feelings and he truly is something of a monster and it shows in this interview.

    14. thatforkingbitch on

      CHILDREN ARE DEAD yes, most of the world now knows names of american schools because of school shootings, every DAY a toddler dies due to a gun…so sensible gun laws perhaps?


      It’s so sickening they use children to spout their lies and their hatred.

    15. He’s yelling because he thinks that’s how people give in not pushing the issue further. Most (normal) people back down because they want to de-escalate the whole thing if someone gets loud.

      Good for the journalist to stand his ground and stay calm.

    16. I wish they would get this outraged over kids getting killed in schools vs kids getting killed by these Haitian gangs.

    17. Im_always_scared on

      Take it a step further and explain it more: the reporter was trying to get Miller to acknowledge that he believed a dictator’s word on how “the crime there dropped 60%”.

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