Doggo experiencing 0 gravity

    by Suspicious_Talk_3825


    1. Individual-King-1738 on

      Given how old this videos is… the dog is probably not here with us on earth anymore.

      Godspeed, space dog!

    2. Putrid_Cherry8353 on

      He looks so unbelievably chill! I mean, surely they chose a balanced and mild tempered dog to go to space, but still, he looks like he reached nirvana up there, lol.

    3. One thing you never think about with zero-gravity is the fact that your organs are also experiencing zero gravity. I wonder how different my viewpoint would be once I’ve gained the perspective of a person whose organs don’t weigh anything. Would my stomach acid be floating too? What about my blood flow? How would swallowing work?

    4. Posting this in r/interestingasfuck says that you think this is actual footage of a dog in space and not a tv commercial (it’s a tv commercial).

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