Spotted a *triple* solar farm after flying over Nevada

    by Mr_Faux_Regard


    1. ResidentLight1493 on

      2024 debate Trump: “solar is taking up all the space in desert, it ruins the desert, but i love solar, they know its bad for the environment”

    2. That’s the Ivanpah Solar Electric Station. Fun facts: those aren’t solar panels you see, they’re mirrors. Each mirror points towards 1 of 3 towers in the center. Each tower contains an “inside out” boiler…which creates steam to power a 130 MW steam turbine.

      When they first commissioned the plant they had to figure out the best way to run the mirrors. They used to concentrate sunlight at a point in space, that birds would fly through and catch fire. Plant guys would call them ‘streamers.’

      Source: briefly worked there during construction.

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