Yeah, why DON’T we have a billionaire minimum tax?

    by UnlikelyAdventurer


    1. Groundbreaking_Tip66 on

      50% and it should start at 25 million. So, you can make a billion dollars, but you better make 2 billion ’cause We The People are getting half of it. you can make 150 billion dollars but you better make 300 billion cause We The People are getting half.

    2. In belgium this is already a thing. Money is distributed the best here in the whole world. Resulting in a really small gap between poor and rich. Just by taxing the rich. No complaints here.

    3. I support billionaires maximum tax. They need to pay their share, because their wealth is absurd and is carried by the back of the worker class. As of today this system is unsustainable and is the main cause of the ascension of these dictators wannabes like Trump and his mob. Ppl are disappointed with standard politics, because we see each day this crazy inequality increasing and only small and shy initiatives to address this issue. This is an open door to facism. The left needs to go radical on this and really enhance the quality of life worker class, reduced this grotesque inequality and controls the narrative. It is social justice and this is what we should expect from the left.

    4. iwilldefinitelynot on

      Imagine if billionaires could ease their tax through equitable profit sharing with their workers? I don’t think we should disincentive wealth, I feel that those who are part of the source of profits should have a reach of the rewards of that success and a cap on ratio of top salary to bottom salary. And, of course, UBI, universal healthcare, and college/vocation education, for all citizens via minimum corporate taxes. But y’know, SHOSHULIZUM KOMMY sooooo…..

      Source: boss is a billionaire. No, not that one,not that one, and nope not that one but he does sit on the board…

    5. I propose making it illegal for corporations and billionaires to not pay their yearly taxes and close any and all loopholes.

    6. >Yeah, why DON’T we have a billionaire minimum tax

      Because the tax code is written by billionaires

    7. I mean, even if we tax billionaires a reasonable amount, they’ll just make it up with their superhuman work ethic, right?

    8. 100% tax on all earnings after 1 billion and a trophy that says “I won Capitalism”, and the official title of ‘Bestest boi’

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