“Eyes of Hate”, two photographs taken before and after Joseph Goebbels, chief propagandist for the nazi party, realized the race of his photographer, Geneva, September of 1933.

    by Accurate-Albatross34


    1. Accurate-Albatross34 on

      Alfred Eisenstaedt, the jewish photographer who took these photos, writes in his book:

      ”*He looked up at me with an expression full of hate. The result, however, was a much stronger photograph. There is no substitute for close personal contact and involvement with a subject, no matter how unpleasant it may be. He looked at me with hateful eyes and waited for me to wither. But I didn’t wither. If I have a camera in my hand, I don’t know fear.*”

    2. i will never understand how there are people who could support this. these are ideas that sound so unrealistic and unacceptable today.

    3. Impressive_Ad_940 on

      At first glance I thought that was Willem Dafoe, the dude who played Green Goblin/Norman Osborn in Spiderman.

    4. solstice_gilder on

      I’ve had people look at this to me because of it. So strange and unnerving. But this douchebag is dead and I’m here. It he would have had his way me and mine wouldn’t have been alive.

    5. mantellaaurantiaca on

      He had six children, all of their names started with H (guess why). His wife murdered them all with poison and the parents committed suicide later that day. Pure evil.

    6. The worst type of hate or prejudice is the type you feel you can rationalize or has a logical reasoning behind it

    7. I’m sure Göbbels often had hated in his eyes, but on this picture I would rather read mistrust or disapproval than hate.

    8. Not hate speech, but I am very curious, how would it be right now, if they had successfully eradicated the “lower races”….

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