George a Jack Russell terrier who saved five kids from a vicious attack by two savage dogs

    by Ani_HArsh


    1. George was much smaller than the attacking dogs, but he didn’t let that stop him. He bravely barked and rushed at them to protect the little ones. Sadly, he got so badly hurt in the fight that a vet had to put him down.

      The best boy

      [The full story ](

      [Clear image of the memorial ](

    2. Fetlocks_Glistening on

      Yeah, let’s not pussyfoot around the fact it was pit bulls that mauled him shall we 

      >On April 29, 2007, George, described as a “plucky” 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier, helped to hold off two pit bulls from attacking five children in Manaia, New Zealand. Unfortunately, he was “so severely mauled in the fight” that a decision was made for him to be put down, The Associated Press (AP) reported:

    3. My Jack Russell was attacked on the beach about a week ago by two large dogs. They were a pitbull rottweiler cross. We didn’t see them coming until the last moment then they hit him like a wave.

      I dragged him out of the first ones mouth using the lead and started swinging my dog around me while the other jumped and grabbed him. Again I pulled him out and lifted him high on my chest.

      The larger dog jumped at him biting my hand to get at him.

      Injuries weren’t too bad for us both as they weren’t really locking in any of the bites.

      The owners did and said the right things but it’s our city council that decides what happens to their dogs at this point.

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