Snow leopard living longer than it’s life expectancy when zookeepers introduced a younger snow leopard to it

    by sipekjoosiao


    1. Awkward-Friend-7233 on

      That poor rabbit. At first it looked like he was just playing with it. I said “Aw, that’s nice,” and it immediately cut to rabbit being eaten.

    2. Do they feed them live animals? Can’t imagine a rabbit was stupid enough to enter the cage of its own free will, so it didn’t “catch” the rabbit…or is that the dumbest rabbit to have existed?

    3. No_Conversation_3060 on

      What hell hole is this being dressed up as a wholesome story – in a tiny cage, overweight, live rabbits?!

    4. This is so stupid and still weird how research done in zoos has any meaning. For example the whole notion of wolves having an alpha male in their packs is something that came from observing caged wolves in zoos. But when it comes to wolves in the wild there isn’t such a thing as an alpha wolf. It’s purely caged behavior, but somehow we all take it for truth 

    5. GrizzlyEagleScout on

      Ok I don’t want to sound like an a-hole but I will.

      What is the average lifespan of a leopard in the wild. They said he lived to twice as long. That may have only taken another year to reach that point. So is he still alive? If not how old was he when he actually went to the endless hunting grounds. Sorry I’m a cynic sometimes.

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