Donald Trump who is definitely not scared to face off with Kamala Harris again, says he won’t debate her a second time

    by eaglemaxie


    1. *He was not in the least bit scared
      To be mashed into a pulp.
      Or to have his eyes gouged out
      And his elbows broken.
      To have his kneecaps split
      And his body burned away
      And his limbs all hacked and mangled*

    2. He did not in the least bit care telling many lies each day
      And he filled his pants with shit, grifter Donny.

    3. That cats and dogs being eaten by immigrants thing…. That was someone trolling who’s trolling was misinterpreted by people who then passed it to trump as if it was real. But the entire thing to get there just makes everyone involved look like gullible idiots and throws into question the credibility of a lot of similar things that have been said on the same pretexts beforehand by the same people.

      I can’t get over how amazing this level of trolling is, like historical level. First time anyone has been able to actually do it and get the very top to discuss it openly without being a state actor, it cannot be understated. To those involved in getting that through the goalposts, bravo.

      For a bunch of self proclaimed critical thinkers based in logic…. Sure seems sketchy at best something this stupid was able to pass that strict security intake.

    4. He said that only the loser of a debate wants a second chance. But this is ALSO the guy who wanted a second debate against Biden.

    5. Unfortunately donold probably never saw this masterpiece of a movie. He wouldn’t get it. Imagine him watching the filth harvesters scene. We gotta get with with shit he saw, shit that will cut deep and cause huge, outlandish reactions. Like a scene from Hannibal or Sesame Street.

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