Imagine destroying things you already paid for

    by Anokata4657


    1. Admirable_Nothing on

      This is what MAGAts do. We had a video here after the Bud Light advertisement with a rich guy throwing out cases and cases of Bud Light he had stored in his mansion’s 8 car garage. They are insane and think they are normal.

    2. ChampionshipOne2908 on

      Destroying the evidence of her prior bad taste paying good money to buy Taylor Swift music in the first place?

    3. I would gladly buy a Taylor Swift album just to destroy it. But that’s not due to her politics 😜

    4. Nobody cares, ya weirdo. Maybe go buy pants that aren’t ripped hand me downs from your big brother.
      Your mom is embarrassed

    5. It’s just absurd. Instead of thinking ‘I am with Trump but that is really a bit far fetched’ they think ‘he said it, it has to be true’. Zero critical thinking.

    6. Sensitive-Traffic229 on

      Those MAGA 🤡🤡🤡🤡Cult Weirdos are being affected by Brain-worms…. Probably not a lot of brain to start with 🧐

    7. catrinadaimonlee on

      Maga send me all ur Taylor swift merchandise and I will destroy them for you

      Everyone else I got a great deal on some t swift merch dm me for great discounts

    8. I love that she thinks anyone gives a shit.

      Oh no. She’s mad about Taylor’s person opinion that she was forced to give after an idiot couldn’t decipher a real verses clearly AI image.

    9. SaturnalianGhost on

      How odd.

      Honestly, if anyone acted so intense and weird like this toward a political party in Australia they’d be told to fuck right off by the majority of the public.

      Politicians here are seen as public servants and treated as such.

    10. I can’t really work out when American politics had its “jump the shark” moment but holy fuck the dam walls of bat shit stupid, hare and evil have well and truly burst.

    11. omg, taylor swift and other swifties are in shock because of this. how can we recover from this!?!?

    12. TheRealTinfoil666 on

      At least a few of these idiots are going to be remorseful, or have to deal with children who are losing their minds over the loss of *their* media, and wind up repurchasing some of these albums, perhaps at a premium price to find ‘vintage’ ones.

      So Taylor and Co., who lose not a single penny from the destruction of already-paid-for media, will make a bit more money when some of these get repurchased.

      These guys are Charlie-sheen-winning !

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