Epic feud between MTG and Laura Loomer was not on my 2024 bingo card

    by ILoveRegenHealth


    1. I really wish Roger at X hadn’t spent hours Photoshopping MTG and Looney Loomer to make them look almost human. They look less scary in this doctored image. I guess it was necessary in case any younger viewers saw the post, so they wouldn’t be scared worse than if they got locked in a haunted house during Halloween.

    2. You should probably throw some pictures of Ladybugs in there too as Lindsey Graham has been dragged into this too, keep in mind that Loko Loomer has been pretty much in Trumps presence for a week straight from advising him on cat and dog recipes for the debate to probably explaining how 9/11 was an inside job.

    3. Darkwing_Turducken on

      This is extremely unfair. Mickey Rourke may be a little eccentric, but that’s no justification for dragging him like this…

    4. The best idea trump has had so far is to start listening to and/or sleeping with the racist perpetually losing candidate VanillaSkyFace woman

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