Another brilliant gambit by the world’s richest idiot and creep

    by Ornery_Price878


    1. Diddle_Doo-Harmony on

      We all agree that Twitter is a net negative for society, yet here we are with full of Twitter screen caps everyday.

    2. Classic_Grounded on

      I don’t think he wants to impregnate anyone. He has plenty of kids. Probably just wants to give her one of those.

    3. SundinShootsPing500 on

      This is what happens when unchecked arrogance gets lauded instead of being condemned. The cult of personality gives this feckless bitch the idea he can stay and do whatever he wants.

    4. Aren’t there some legal rulings that allow totally sane people to put screaming-ass loonies in a strait-jacket, as proven dangers to themselves and others, despite their obscene wealth?

    5. fresh_water_sushi on

      Stop giving this moron Elon the attention he craves here. Leave his shit on his failing social media platform.

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