[OC] 3 weeks ago I posted about Job Creation by President. To address many comments, here’s the Job Creation for each President Throughout their Term.

    by txtbasedjesus


    1. I got the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found here: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS)
      Created in Google Sheets

      Jobs created were calculated by summing the difference of jobs between each month for each given President. Terms were rounded to February for quality of life.

    2. Good info in this visual! I also appreciate placing the source dataset right into the display.
      One thing to note, I think creating uniform axes or consolidating the lines onto a single graph would improve interpretability. Since Biden, Trump, and H.W. bush were 4 years and the others were 8, the x-axis in particular could cause confusion.

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