The simple honest truth

    by Lena_Lena_A


    1. What is amazing to me is people who say Kamala had the questions ahead of time. In reality, anyone should be able to figure out what the likely questions could be. One of the reasons Trump seemed so unprepared is that he really doesn’t have any deep policy knowledge or ideas. When he says he’ll fix the Ukraine war or Health care or anything, he has no plan (at all) for how he’d do it. Just some vague confidence that he can pull it off. Add to that his grumpiness and many other flaws and you get trump. The flip side is that Kamala has thought about these things a lot — and knows a ton. So it might “seem like” she had some advantage ahead of time.

    2. floofyragdollcat on

      I’ve sadly come to realize that it doesn’t seem to matter. He could be an incoherent, drooling mess and they’re *still* going to vote for him.

      All we can do is encourage people to vote.

    3. Krugman’s tweet is basically: “Trump didn’t have a bad night, he just had a very *Trump* night.”

      Harris: emerging from the mud.
      Trump: *permanently stuck in it.*

    4. There’s a lot to criticize Trump over, but being easily baited by a crowd size comment should be enough reason not to vote for him.

      Why would you want someone like that in the Oval Office? The second you question his penis size, he flips out and loses his cool? He’s not fit to lead a Dairy Queen if he can’t control his emotions.

    5. Yup, that’s just who he is and ignorant, stupid as hell, delusional, lying, fascist, dictatorial ass. Every second of every minute of every day and night is a bad day or night for this ass.

    6. ccccombobreakerx on

      What keeps me up at night when I think about fellow Americans and their…. logic, is there is a good chance an adjudicated rapist could potentially win, again, against another woman.

      We really live in a country with a lot of terrible folks, and the sanewashing the media does of Trump has caused incalculable damage.

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