That’s crazy

    by HeartAndSoles2014


    1. This is very misleading. The first says “content creators” which doesn’t make sense as the source of a number.

      6.6 billion is the reported total revenue of the company, not the payroll of creators.

      Meanwhile the revenue of the NBA is over 10 Billion.

    2. I wonder what the distribution is.

      I imagine the lowest paid NBA player makes a hell of a lot more than the lowest paid OnlyFans content creator.

    3. LethalSpaceship on

      Ok but you gotta consider that there’s vastly more onlyfans creators than there are NBA players (around 540).

    4. Ok 7 foot tall basketball players running around smacking each other’s asses in a game we have all seen before……


      Titties and Kitties 😸

      This is not even difficult math guys.

    5. idontreallywanto79 on

      Both useless to society aside from entertainment. All people making over 1 million a year should donate 50% . I’m serious. Some have charity and give back, and that’s great. However, it is not enough.

    6. I don’t understand the point. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the poor NBA players? Are OF models somehow getting more money than people are voluntarily giving them?? Different people make different amounts of money doing different things. Shocker.

    7. IngestingTendies on

      “Hello my queen! ❤️”

      *saliva pooling in bottom lip spills out the side and drips all over shirt*

      “I would like to request a personalized video for (stop to catch breath) $100”

      *fart slides up between thighs and pops under balls*

      “Could you pweeeease tell me im your favowite fan”

      *mom knocks on door and immediately walks in with tendie platter and dipping sauces*

    8. SubstantialBother586 on

      there is around **550** NBA players in the world, there are **2.1 million** onlyfans creators out there

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