This Tree on my road for 20 years, turns it’s leaves weeks before the rest, all planted same time, same species.

    by ShowmasterQMTHH


    1. So theres a shadow of another tree to the right. I wonder if it casts enough of a shadow late in the day that other trees get a few more hours of sunshine when this one doesn’t…

    2. ComprehensiveNewt298 on

      I had a salesperson from China visit my work a few years ago during fall, and he asked if we planted our trees based on when the leaves change colours.

      He seriously thought our government might have a central planning department that decided where each tree in the city should be planted and what type it should be based on when each type of tree changes colours and what specific colour it changes to.

    3. Often that is due to something unseen stressing the plant, probably underground. There are some on my street that do that because of an underground stream.

    4. That tree is 20 years old. Why so small? I had a maple planted in my boulevard 3 years ago that is bigger than that. May be an issue with root growth or nutrient intake.

    5. Plants know what time of year it is based on light cycles. If this one gets less light, it will think it’s later in the year and time to drop its leaves.

    6. Either induced by shadows like u/typical80skid mentioned, or my other bet is that there’s something there that is restricting the root grown of the tree. Maybe stone subgrade from the street spilled over, something. Less “hearty” trees tend to have their leaves change sooner. Could also be from disease.

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