A large Roman rock-crystal ring, bearing the portrait of a woman in extremely high relief; her ornate three-tiered hairstyle popular around the year 100 AD., housed at Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria [1075×913]

    by ojosdelostigres


    1. ojosdelostigres on

      Museum Link


      Google translate museum text (German to English)

      **A piece with rarity is the large finger ring made of rock crystal. It bears in high relief the portrait of an older woman with a curly hairstyle artfully piled up in three rows, a hairstyle that was very fashionable around 100 AD. Perhaps Marciana is portrayed here, the wife of Trajan, the emperor under whose reign the empire reached its greatest extent.**

    2. Bobcat-Narwhal-837 on

      I had no idea that the Romans made something like this.

      The skill to make is is astounding.

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