Vance = Gacy confirmed

    by llegro42


    1. Must have his mom’s ears….everything else is 100% inherited from his dad the clown. Y’all know JD has an ice cream truck under a tarp in his back yard…

    2. Environmental-Arm365 on

      It’s my understanding he is often seen marauding the local neighborhoods looking for innocent discarded couches to pick up. After doing unspeakable things to them he buries them under the garage just like JWG.

    3. JD Vance after murdering the couch he just had sex with: “what’s the big deal, not like I’ll be facing any reaper-cushions”

    4. Man, first Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer, now this? How many more GOP members are going to turn out to be serial killers?

    5. And his boss Donald claims to be “a leader in fertilization, in IVF”. Pretty sure Donnie Diarrhea-Brain thinks “IV” stands for “in-voluntary”, which fits since he’s a serial rapist.

    6. Why does everyone call him about eaten pets instead of the police? He said he was called many times about it. Oh yeah, team trump where bullshit is our product.

    7. Greedy-Bookkeeper460 on

      This is Gacy’s photo from Iowa, he was sent to prison for sexual assault or battery; his father got really really sick while he was locked up, and Gacy was denied permission to go to the funeral. When released, that’s when Gacy’s murder career started. The lesson, if we lock up Vance, we should NOT let him out.

    8. matt_bastard1986 on

      He never said he wasn’t gacy. I’d check under his house and possibly in the closest river

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