Kamala Knows Trump is Weak and Easily Manipulated By Dictators

    by sillychillly


    1. We all know it and witnessed it in action during his term. Putin had him on a leash. Kim exchanged love letters with him.

    2. dillaquantavius on

      I have only seen good Kamala debate clips and bad trump debate clips. It couldn’t have been that one sided

    3. AnUnknownReader on

      As a non American I can’t wait to see that US election year finally reaches its end.

      Good luck to you, tho, dear Americans, you might need it.

    4. Responsible_Owl4661 on

      This isn’t interesting. It belongs in r/politics. Around half of reddit users are not from the US, and would rather see or read something of interest, not US political arguments.

    5. Aggressive-Sound-641 on

      Those “weak” and “disgrace” lines took his soul. Narcissistic asshole will never recover.

    6. She literally said everything I wish someone would have said for years to that demented asshole. No one in years have been so brutally honest with that dick. It was as if a weight was lifted. She tore him a new asshole!

    7. ClassicDiscussion221 on

      As a Norwegian in Norway, I can confirm that Trump is largely considered a clown in Europe, and made the US look like a banana republic from our POV when he was in office.

    8. She proves the point by manipulating him during the debate, like when they switched the discussion to the boarder, which is Trump’s strongest point, she had him talking about crowd sizes instead.

      That’s something that stood out to me when watching her when she was in the senate. She knows how to manipulate a conversation to get the answer she’s looking for.

    9. Happy_Chimp_123 on

      I’m from the UK and watched the debate. I thought Trump started off okay, but he quickly descended into ranting, waffling, and going off topic. I thought Harris was much more poised and articulate and offering a message of positivity. Trump it was just doom and gloom, and isn’t everything awful? Trump fell for her jibes and exposed just how insecure he actually is.

      I also thought it was strange that he would nod whenever she made comments about things he had said, for example, about him wanting to just (I can’t remember the exact phrase used) effectively scrap the constitution.

    10. Notice he nodded his head when she said they’re rooting for him. He hides in plain sight people.

      If you support Donald, ask your parents or grandparents about Russia. They’ll set you straight.

    11. This is the guy that saluted a North Korean General in North Korea! Imagine Fox News if Obama did that.

    12. BrilliantWeekend2417 on

      I really would like to be a fly on the wall behind closed doors with Trump after a night like the debate. I really really really really really really really really want to know what he really thinks, not the garbage and lies that he spews 24/7, I want to know what he really thinks and says to the people he (supposedly) trusts the most and what slurs and insults he lets fly when he’s comfortable and in his safe space.

    13. FootyandBuildings on

      She should have talked about when he stood next to Putin and said that he believed Putin over all of the American Intelligence Agencies. That is the weakest I have ever seen America look on a foreign policy stage.

    14. She made a lot of claims very specific claims about very specific people in a short time here. We desperately need a **Fact Check** on these claims, in depth and very public.

      I say this as a Kamala supporter. I remember all of those. I am comfortable with her being fact checked on this. Please, news media, please.

    15. Rumpledshirtskin67 on

      She showed everyone watching the debate how easily he’s manipulated. Manipulated by a supposed “dumb & low IQ” person.

    16. Smoothsailing47 on

      Kamala does absolutely support late term abortions

      Hell She murdered a 78 year old baby live on TV

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