Whose Grandpa is this?

    by zrirek05


    1. ShimmeringPetals on

      Grandpa out here putting us all to shame with those moves!
      can i borrow him for our team building?:)

    2. Seeing how well he does these this guy was probably perfecting them when he was a teenager! He got to embarrass his kids with them and now gets to impress his grandkids with them!

    3. Why would you pick this song? Honestly I want to know what goes on in the mind of someone who purposefully chooses these songs. I assume nothing but I’d still like to hear someone try to defend it

    4. Xploding_Penguin on

      I wish he were my grandpa.

      When I was a kidy dad used to do the drop onto his ass dive. He kept us kids laughing.

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