Narrator: “They definitely were connected.”

    by IAmArique


    1. this is so on brand for maga crazies, terrorism isn’t beneath them.

      trump is literally trying to incite violence against a haitians by making his crazy tiki torch white supporters think haitians are eating their dogs. remember what happened with pizzagate when people shot up a pizza place? remember what happened to nancy pelosi’s husband, where he was almost murdered?

      trump is a bad person and he’s trying to get people killed. His constant association of violence and vengeance against those who wronged him and his crowd is a call to commit violence.


    2. So MAGA is now making bomb threats because city officials told the truth about the idiotic MAGA conspiracy theory?

    3. three-one-seven on

      So what you’re telling me is, a tiny town in the middle of nowhere just so happened to be targeted for a terrorist attack, and it’s completely unrelated to being called out in an insane lie by a man who has a history of inciting violence?

      Wow, what a wild coincidence!

    4. Given that they are threatening to bomb the people saying it isn’t true I would bet the motive was much more “they are lying to make trump look bad so i must bomb them”

    5. We all knew that this moron’s lunatic rantings would lead to this. He should be arrested for inciting violence.

    6. At the center of the Venn diagram where the circles are “vicious,” “stupid,” and “racist,” there is MAGA.

    7. Brains are melting. Must suck being terminally online and finding out 80% of what you read is totally disconnected with reality.

    8. PlanetOfThePancakes on

      Laura Loomer is also now claiming that immigrants are CANNIBALS. These lying sacks of shit are going to get people killed.

    9. Why is it that migrants and us minorities are always portrayed as the threats when it’s always some white conservative doing mass shootings or threatening to kill or blow up something bc some woman wouldn’t date him or someone doesn’t fellate Trump?

    10. MAGA is angry, but this is just bringing *more* attention to the ‘cat eatin’ bullshit that Trump spewed.

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