Tough Decisions

    by SoCold40


    1. Enjoy your vacation. Fuck a job that would do this to you.

      Edit to tack this on: Unless your contract specifically states you are responsible for finding a replacement while you are on paid leave, they likely cannot enforce this. If you have a paper trail (texts, emails) of a superior saying or suggesting you’ll be fired lest you find a replacement, you probably have a case an employment lawyer would like to hear about.

    2. To everyone that had the same question as me “ well how long ago did you request the days off?”

      Here you go. She also said that she was hired on August 31st. She’s working security for the Amazon databank and got hired on the spot.

      I woulda just started work after my trip, fr. Anyone that works at Amazon know they don’t play when it comes to hours.

    3. Acrobatic_Sea8916 on

      I had to do a week trip a few weeks after I started and go paid and didn’t have to use my vacation. A good employer knows people have a life

    4. As a manager I don’t understand managers who fire people due to causing temporary staffing issues. YOU JUST CREATED A PERMANENT STAFFING ISSUE!

    5. Cover your shift? Sounds like retail or food industry which is always hiring. Fuck that job enjoy your time off

    6. I was in the same situation, I took my vacation, they fired me. I had a new job within the week, (nurse) and they are still looking for my replacement. You’ve got options. Exercise them.

    7. Is she airing her issues online with her worn picture and saying she’s with Amazon? Count her days regardless.

    8. Toph-Builds-the-fire on

      I’m gonna wager a guess here. As a lowly manager. Did they request time off? Did they follow the procedures for PTO? Usually, timeliness, checking a TO calendar, and communicating with bosses/mgr before making plans? OR did she book a trip, put in PTO request like a week before hand, and not wait for approval?

    9. Looks like she stated when she was hired she mentioned her vacation. That’s on them. But idk how that works. I’ve never had a job where I had to find someone to cover my shift. I have interviewed for a job and let them know during my interview that I had scheduled things and asked would that be a problem though. It has never been. Idk. That’s a tough situation. Time to go to the employee handbook for this one.

    10. after reading the follow up tweets, it’s sounds like she should have pushed her start date to after the vacation. I think that would have been the easiest. Unless she can rearrange those dates for vacation, she might need to bite the bullet and stay at the job. Amazon does not play.

    11. Outrageous_chaos_420 on

      Think longterm not short term when considering a decision like that ., hopefully that will help with the ultimate decision you make.

    12. Iyabothefirst001 on

      Leave. Resign and go on vacation. Still low unemployment and you will get a job when you get back. Start applying before you leave. And tell them you want to schedule interviews for when you get back.

    13. Ashamed_Long_7402 on

      Fuck. That. Job. If everyone started having a spine about this then these tactics wouldn’t work. You can’t miss me for a few days but are able to operate without me? Nope, make zero sense.

    14. Armedwithapotato on

      Go on your trip. It’s already scheduled and paid for. Finding replacement is managements job. They approved the leave. Also if they want to fight. They need to reimburse you. Go have good time. Clear your head. If you don’t have a job when you get back. Don’t worry, be happy.

    15. Then she going to complain about “ nobody want to hire me “

      If you are newly employed wtf you going to Jamaica for

    16. Cancel a trip for, Amazon ? Pssh I guess it really depends on how financially secure you are at this point in life. If I had a few months worth of savings NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. That place is horrible, if I’m going to be evicted when I get back. Then do what you gotta do.

    17. I would say don’t quit your job unless you have another one lined up. Don’t know how good of a job this person has (probably a decent one since they can afford Jamaica). Its hard out there finding work. If you get fired you might get unemployment

    18. 1850ChoochGator on

      Leave that job. Shitty place.

      That being said, plan/schedule your vacations *months* in advance. Put the pto request in and bother them about approving/denying it in a timely matter. Watch flight prices until you know for sure it’s getting approved, they usually remain stable enough.

    19. Spirited-Living9083 on

      If it’s a replaceable job then I’m out if it’s not and you can get a refund or reschedule I would be realistic about it shit sucks but we gotta take care of responsibilities but take note of how they move for your reference

    20. To be funny, you should hire (pay him/her YOUR 4days of salary whilst you enjoy your vacay) someone (coworker/family/friend) to sit-in on your behalf. Let you manager know you have solidified an alternate for the 4 days you’ll be gone.

      Of course the boss won’t like it, but you did fulfill the requirement. Lol


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